CS215 is offered in the Fall 2014
The purpose of this course is to give students a broad foundation in issues related to creating multimedia and hypermedia applications. Topics to be covered include history and philosophy of hypermedia, principles of human-computer interaction, multimedia programming, optimizing for CD-ROMs and the WWW, digital representation and editing of media (audio, graphics, video), media compression and transmission, and delivery of multimedia applications. Special Emphasis: Computer Puzzles & Games.

CS 111 is required. In addition, ARTS 105, ARTS 108 or ARTS 109 is recommended.

P. Takis Metaxas, Computer Science and Media Arts & Sciences
Office Hours: TBA and by appointment.

- Lectures: The class meets in JEWETT 247 (the Media Arts Lab) on
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Not all meeting times will be utilized, see the schedule.
- Teaching Assistant: Sophia Zachares and Athena Kihara
TA Hours: TBA

- Basics
An Overview of Multimedia
Case Studies
Basic Programming in Director
- Hypermedia
Principles of User Interface (including GUIs)
User Interface & Screen Design
Navigation Techniques
Storyboarding & Story Development
Visualizing Quantitative Information
Form vs. Function
Appropriate Applications of Multimedia - When should a book be a book?
Accomodating Multiple Views
- Media
Basic Electronic Imaging
Image File Formats
Importing/Exporting between Programs
Scanning for Screen & Printer
Traditional & Computer Animation
Sound Processing, Representation of Sound Waves
Recording, Mixing, and Editing
The Moving Image: Digitizing Video
Video Editing & Production
- Design Issues
History & Impact of Typography
Page Layout Techniques
Basic Design Principles
Color Theory Principles
- Publishing for the Future
The WWW as a Culture
Designing for the Web
The HTML Language & its Future
- Related Issues
A Philosophical Perspective of multimedia
The Impact of Technology on Learning
The Presentation of Information
The Impact of Technology on Art
Copyright, Ethics, & Society