
The chapters we have used in the CSAPP book include many excellent problems. Inventing problems by making small changes to homework/lab problems is also useful.

Selections from Midterm and Final exam samples from a similar course at UW in Autumn 2016 or later are useful review material. The exams prior to Autumn 2016 use an older version of x86 – they will confuse you; avoid them.



  • The exam is a handwritten paper exam only.
  • The exam is closed-book, to be completed individually, as a take-home.
  • The exam is designed as a slightly overfull in-class exam. We allow the take-home window to remove time pressure.
  • The exam covers all material from the Hardware-Software Interface part of the course, plus Caches and the Memory Heirarchy.
  • The front page calendar and topics pages on the website provide two complete views of the topics involved.
  • Expect problems that use similar styles of thinking as those you have seen on assignments, but remember they will be paper problems only.


  • You may sign out your exam in person at the end of either lecture section on Friday, November 22 or during Andy’s drop-in hours 1:00-3:00pm that afternoon in L037.
  • You must sign in your exam in person with Jean by the end of the last lab (8:00pm) on Monday 25 April.

Rules and Resources

  • The exam will include this x86 reference diagram.
  • You may optionally prepare one 2-sided 8.5x11” handwritten note sheet ahead of the exam and use it during the exam. If you use a note sheet:
    • You must show your completed note sheet to Andy when you pick up the exam.
    • You must submit your note sheet with the exam.
  • Once you pick up the exam, you have started the exam and all rules apply.
  • From the time you pick up the exam to the time you submit the exam:
  • You may not use calculators, computers, or other electronics to assist with the exam.
  • You may not access any course materials or resources related to CS 240. Prohibited resources include CS 240 GradeScope material; CS 240 assignments, labs, submissions, or solutions; CS 240 textbooks, slides, or handouts; other materials on CS 240 topics.
  • Consult ahead of time with instructors if you are unsure whether a certain resources is prohibited.
  • From the time you pick up the exam to the time the exam is due (8:00pm Monday, November 25), you may not communicate about the exam or 240 material with anyone except the instructors.
    • If asked about the exam or course material during this time, the only acceptable response is “I am not allowed to talk about the exam at this time.”
  • Any violation of these rules is an Honor Code violation and will be handled through the relevant processes.
  • Should any emergency or extenuating circumstances arise and affect your ability to submit the exam on time (and without missing lab), contact all CS 240 instructors and your Class Dean as soon as possible.