
Details about each assignment will be either linked or described below.


70% - Game Development Project

One semester... one game! Create a short, but fully conceptualized and articulated game. Try a “Playful Production Process” to avoid overly committing at 'crunch time'. Collaborate with other developers to leverage strengths of everyone on the team. Experience development using industry standard processes.

10% - Reading Selection

With your partner, you will identify and select two readings that are connected by some shared topic. These readings do not need to share the same perspective, nor do they need to reference the same source materials. They can be loosely connected by or thoroughly conversant in the topic of your choosing. These readings do not need to be academic. One of your readings can also be non-text-based. For example, you could have a scholarly article, combined with a video essay.

10% - Discussion Leadership

You will lead an in-class discussion about the readings and the topic of your choosing. We will set aside 30 minutes of class time, dedicated to this discussion. You are welcome to bring in any supplemental materials, such as a short (very short) demonstration of a game, videos clips, more images, quotes, etc. You are required to bring at least three open-ended discussion prompts, to be shared with the class at specific moments during our conversation.

10% - General Participation

Be present and ready to contribute to everything described above. See Interpersonal for more details.