

Design rationale

Simple and Minimalistic
General Structure and Hierarchy



Design rationale

Content and Structure
  • The app is structured so that navigation is logical, intuitive, and similar to the structure of other learning and streaming platforms. We made the first landing page of the app to be the “Path” feature, since this is the app’s most important feature. We added the “Profile” page and included features in it to make the app more customizable so that it would feel more personable. We removed the starting level feature and added the Quiz to determine the user’s starting level since it will more accurately determine the user’s starting level on the Path than their financial confidence level possibly could.
  • We based our other design decisions on our goal to create a fun, non-stressful way for users to improve their financial literacy. To reduce the potential stress that the user might feel when reflecting on their personal finances, we aimed to make the app feel playful.
  • We incorporated fun graphics that would make the app feel playful but not childish. The main background graphic of a girl traversing small hilltops, the smiling location marker, and the logo of a hand holding a coin were designed to be fun graphics that make the app feel more lighthearted and enjoyable to use.
  • We also choose to create graphics that would create a metaphor between the user completing levels in the path and “leveling up” in life by growing their personal literacy. This intended metaphor is the main reason why the main background graphic is a figure traversing a path lining the top of small hilltops.
Color Scheme
  • For our color scheme, we decided to use a color palette consisting of shades of green, blue, and orange. Calming blue and green colors were used to reinforce the theme of a nature path. Green and blue are also the app’s main colors since these colors have a calming effect that we intend to transfer to the users while they use the app. We used pops of orange in order to make the app feel more playful and lighthearted.
  • Our design decisions are also largely based on accessibility, since we want our app to be accessible to as many potential users as possible. We used WebAim to check the color contrast between the font types and their backgrounds so that fonts would be easily legible and so that colors would be color-friendly to those with vision disabilities. For the screens for viewing the podcasts and videos, we used a black background to make the album covers pop out, which is better for visibility. We used black and white for the font colors and occasionally for the button colors in order to create strong contrasts between them and their backgrounds, so that text would be easy to read and buttons easy to spot. We chose Helvetica for our font-family because it’s a widely used and easily legible typeface, but still has character.

Screens in the Order of a Potential User Flow Through the App

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Heuristic Evaluation Takeaways

The heuristic evaluation using Jakob Nielsen's 10 Usability Heuristics revealed three severe usability issues with the prototype's design.

  1. User freedom and control: The system failed to support undo and redo functions. There was little autonomy to self-correct, which led to frustration. Returning to previous pages was confusing, and navigation occurred through trial and error because the design was unpredictable. Furthermore, the app did not allow for customization and forced users to engage with the same material and content.
  2. Flexibility and efficiency of use: The app has a lack of accelerators and unclear signifiers slowed navigation.
  3. Did not help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors: The system did not allow users to correct their mistakes because it did not include "help" options or a search and navigation bar.

We corrected these errors when iterating upon our final prototype.

Final Prototype