Survey Results

Our research topic is internet surveillance technologies and the possible ethical implications of them. Our survey asked questions that would gauge the respondents feelings about their privacy on the internet and how they protect themselves. Here is a link to the Survey. A total of 153 people answered the survey!

Privacy of Different Data

Respondents felt differently about their privacy depending on the type of information. We asked about the percieved safety of their Social Media Data, Text Messages, Browsing Data, Purchasing Data, and Telephone Calls. Repondents believe their browsing data to be the least private, with 59.09% of respondents anwering that the information is definitely not private. On the other hand, respondents believe that their text messages are the most safe, with only 12.34% answering that text messages are definitely not private.

Government Surveillance

When asked whether they believe the U.S. Government monitors or collects their online data, 57.14% of respondents answered yes, 35.06% answered maybe, and only 7.79% answered no.

Overall Results

Survey results

Project Direction

For the remaining portion of our project we will focus on the the technical side of internet privacy. Our audience will be the American public, focusing on the issues that affect them. We will focus on the different types of data we asked questions about and the ways it is collected. We will include some of the survey results to show the public perception of the the issues we are researching.