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I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Wellesley College.

My research interests span programming languages and systems, with a focus on applying lightweight formal methods to the compiler stack. I like systems that make it easier for developers to trust their low-level code. Recently, I have been contributing to verification for ISLE, a term-rewriting language for instruction lowering within Cranelift (a native code generator for WebAssembly and an alternative backend for Rust). Previously, I worked on Diospyros, a compiler that uses equality saturation to find vectorization for energy-efficient hardware, and the Kani Rust Verifier, a bit-precise verifier for sequential Rust code.

If you are a Wellesley student interested in research opportunities, please email me or drop by Science Center W116.

I received my PhD from the Department of Computer Science at Cornell University, where I worked in Adrian Sampson’s Computer Architecture and Programming Abstractions research group. I completed my bachelor’s at Brown, where I contributed to projects using modeling tools and refinement types. I spent some time at Apple engineering health software for the iPhone and Apple Watch.

My CV.



Conference Papers

Short Papers


Recorded Talks


Wellesley College

Cornell University

Brown University
