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Milestone 1

Blank twitter profile photo Team Sai

Here is our research resources and our team contract.

Due Date - 1 Oct 2019

Milestone 2

Blank twitter profile photo Team Sai

Here is our survey. and as of 12:00PM on 10/21/19 14 users have taken the survey.
The strategy we used to send out the survey was have each person share the survey as far as they could.
@Irene shared the survey through multiple ways. One way was to email the survey to people she knew did not have social media, such as family or family friends. Another way was to privately message people on Messenger or Whatsapp to ensure people saw the survey link since sometimes posts can get lost in people's feeds. Finally, the last method was so post on Facebook and Instagram stories asking people to take the time to complete the survey. The survey link was kept in Irene's Instagram profile so anyone who visited the profile would see and hopefully do the survey. In all cases, people were asked to not only do the survey, but also spread the word and ask others to do it.
@Amelia shared the survey within text message group chats with friends and classmates as well as individual chats with friends or family. Friends were asked to then spread the word amongst their friends to get a word-of-mouht chain going.
@Sara also shared the survey within personal text message group chats. Due to attempts to limit her personal social media usage, she did not share the survey on popular social media platforms like her fellow group members.
#milestone2donezos #surveys #dooursurvey

Due Date - 22 Oct 2019

Milestone 3

Blank twitter profile photo Team Sai

Here is our raw survey data, our analyzed data and our HTML page with the organized survey results.

Due Date - 5 Nov 2019

Milestone 4

Blank twitter profile photo Team Sai

Here is our video, and here is our PM4 HTML Page.

Due Date - 12 Nov 2019

Milestone 5

Blank twitter profile photo Team Sai

Here is our home page that contains our skeleton website.
#nearlydone #gettingthere #seethelight

Due Date - 26 Nov 2019

Milestone 6

Blank twitter profile photo Team Sai

Here is our updated promo video! Between PM5 and PM6 we made quite a few changes. As we linked above, we updated our video to contain less facts in the voiceover as we found this too overwhelming to both watch the video and listen to the facts at the same time. We also made major changes to the website. First, we changed the size of our Twitter bird gif which originally stretched across the entire screen but is smaller. We did this because otherwise it was too distracting and overwhelming and would cause people to be distracted from the rest of the website content. The other biggest change we did was actually add in our research content and some images.
#lastmilestone #PROJECTDONE

Due Date - 26 Nov 2019