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How Twitter Altered Our Perception of Politics

What We Do

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We were shocked to find that Twitter, in conjunction with other social media platforms, has changed the way we think about politics. Even worse, many of its users are unaware of the consequences– such as echo chambers, fake news, election manipulation, and false representation of ideas and people. To address the lack of information about misinformation, we created this website.
#welcome #endthelies

13 Nov 2019

Why We Do It

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While modern technology has made our world more connected, those connections can be harmful. Whether you are concerned about the upcoming US presidential election, the outcome of Brexit, or your why your grandma's social media feed intensifies her views, this is important. These are issues that we hold close to our hearts (or, more accurately, at our fingertips). Its time for us to be informed about the ways we're all being subtly misinformed.

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