Home Twitter Modern Political Thought Elections and Government

Elections and Government

The US and the UK

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Twitter doesn't just influence our political opinions, it can and has been weaponized to impact our real world politics.

Date Dec 2019

2016 US Presidential Election

Elections and politics have been affected by companies weaponizing technologies like Twitter to share targeted content and influence real world voting.

Through the intense collection of data, companies like Cambridge Analytica were able to create targeted advertising to publish on Twitter, check engagement levels and adjust the advertisments as needed and eventually swing voter behaviour and get people to vote for Donald Trump .

Examples include how swing voters were shown advertisements including famous Trump supporters to influence them to vote for Trump.


Image from The Guardian


Similarly to the 2016 US Presedential Elections, Leave. The ads were used to target Twitter users who were on the fence about whether to vote remain or leave for the Brexit campaign. Like in the U.S, the ads swayed people to vote for the more coneservative side, with people voting leave for Brexit, contributing to the final decision to leave the European Union.

"used datasets created by Cambridge Analytica to target voters with online political messages to potentially sway public opinion"
- Politico

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Image from The Daily Dot