The Multimedia course has been through two different versions. In its
current form, CS215 is focusing on interactive games and
Below is a collection of some small pieces of a few projects created
in the class, giving an idea of the scope of possibilities
that the course can open up. If you want to receive a CD-ROM
with sample projects, contact to Prof.
P. Metaxas.
CS/ARTS Projects
In its first version, it was co-taught with Prof. Naomi Ribner
of the Art Department
as CS/ARTS215 - The Art and Science of Multimedia. Every
year, 7-14 projects were developed, published in a CD-ROM,
and presented at the Ruhlman Conference. Experience from
this course is described in a
SIGGRAPH98 paper and an ICMCS99 paper (see this
list of publications).
All of the links below are small excerpts ("teasers")
of the original multimedia applications