
Past Projects
MAS Major


The Honor Code applies for this course. This means that the work you submit must be absolutely your own.

Homework and completion of its Assessment are always due before class on the day marked on the Schedule.

Each homework is required to build on the experience gained by the previous ones. You will not only be graded on the quality of your solution to the current assignment, but also on the application of the principles learnt in the past.

How to turn in your homework.

Inside your puma directory there is already a directory called public_html which corresponds to the part of your account that is accessible and visible on the web using a Web browser. Inside public_html, there is another directory called cs215-assignments that contains 10 sub-directories accessible via password only to you and to your instructors. Please take a look in the cs215-assignments directory to verify that it contains ten directories named ps01 to ps10, and a directory named final_project. You will use these sub-directories to place the files that you are submitting for grading. (We may not be needing all of them, but you should make sure you have placed your files in the appropriately named directory once you are ready to submit.)

In order to place files in these directories you should use an ftp program, such as the Fetch program on the Macs, or the ftp functionality in the Internet Explorer on the Windows machines. Make sure that you placed your programs in the right directory and with the right permissions by opening them through a browser and visiting the appropriate directory.

HOW YOU WILL BE GRADED: In addition to how well you executed an assignment, you will be graded on how well you followed the specifications of the assignment, and whether you completed the Assessment questionnaire for that assignment.

Homework 1 - Evaluating Multimedia Projects

Homework 2 - Basic Animation

Homework 3 - Story Animation

Homework 4 - Navigation Structures

Homework 5 - Screen Design

Homework 6 - Lingo Events and UI

Homework 6B - Add Type and Sound to your Animation

Homework 7 - Sound Synchronization

Homework 8 - Puzzle Programming: Your favorite spot on campus

Homework 9 - Game Programming: Too High - Too Low

Homework 10 - Small Project




Maintained By: Takis Metaxas

Last Edited: August 7, 2014