TinkerBlocks Papers/Posters/Talks

See also the TinkerBlocks research group site and Franklyn Turbak's Publications


[PST19] Evan W. Patton, Audrey Seo, and Franklyn Turbak. Enhancing Abstraction in App Inventor with Generic Event Handlers. In 2019 IEEE Blocks and Beyond Workshop, pp. 63-71. Memphis, TN, Oct 18, 2019. [PDF]
[HT19] Ruanqianqian Huang and Franklyn Turbak. A Design for Bidirectional Conversion Between Blocks and Text for App Inventor. In 2019 IEEE Blocks and Beyond Workshop, pp. 87-89. Memphis, TN, Oct 18, 2019. [PDF]
[S18] Audrey Seo. Abstractionless Programming in App Inventor. In BLOCKS+ 2018 ACM SPLASH Workshop. Boston, MA, Nov 4, 2018. [PDF]
[LTM17] Isabelle Li, Franklyn Turbak, and Eni Mustafaraj. Calls of the Wild: Exploring Procedural Abstraction in App Inventor. In 2017 IEEE Blocks and Beyond Workshop, pp 79-86. Raleigh, NC. Oct 10, 2017. [PDF]
[S17] Maja Svanberg. Using Feature Vector Representations To Identify Similar Projects In App Inventor. In 2017 IEEE Blocks and Beyond Workshop, pp 117-118. Raleigh, NC. Oct 10, 2017. [PDF]
[TMSD17] Franklyn Turbak, Eni Mustafaraj, Maja Svanberg, and Michael Dawson. Work in Progress: Identifying and Analyzing Original Projects in an Open-Ended Blocks Programming Environment. In The 23rd International DMS Conference on Visual Languages and Sentient Systems. Pittsburgh, PA. Jul 8, 2017. [PDF]
[CACM17] David Bau, Jeff Gray, Caitlin Kelleher, Josh Sheldon, and Franklyn Turbak. Learnable Programming: Blocks and Beyond. Communications of the ACM, June 2017, Vol. 60, No. 6, pp. 72-80. [PDF]
[MTS17] Eni Mustafaraj, Franklyn Turbak, and Maja Svanberg. Identifying Original Projects in App Inventor. In 30th International Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS-30), Marco Island, FL, May 22-24, 2017. [PDF]
[KT15] Soojin Kim and Franklyn Turbak. Adapting Higher-order List Operators for Blocks Programming. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VLHCC 2015),Atlanta, Georgia. October 19-21, 2015. [PDF]
[STADMOF14] Jeffrey Schiller, Franklyn Turbak, Hal Abelson, José Dominguez, Andrew McKinney, Johanna Okerlund, and Mark Friedman. Live Programming of Mobile Apps in App Inventor. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Programming for Mobile and Touch (PROMOTO '14), Portland, Oregon, Oct. 20, 2014. [PDF]
[TWM14] Franklyn Turbak, David Wolber, and Paul Medlock-Walton. The Design of Naming Features in App Inventor 2. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VLHCC 2014), Melbourne, Australia, July 30-Aug 1, 2014. [PDF]
[TSMWP14] Franklyn Turbak, Mark Sherman, Fred Martin, David Wolber and Shaileen Crawford Pokress. Events-First Programming in App Inventor. In Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northeastern Region Conference (CCSCNE 2014), Providence College, Apr 25-26, 2014. [PDF]
[TSKEDC12] Franklyn Turbak, Smaranda Sandu, Olivia Kotsopoulos, Emily Erdman, Erin Davis, and Karishma Chadha. Blocks Languages for Creating Tangible Artifacts. In IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VLHCC 2012), Oct, 2012. [PDF]

Special Journal Issue

[JVLSS17] Franklyn Turbak (guest editor). Special Issue on Blocks Programming. Journal of Visual Languages and Sentient Systems (VLSS),a Vol 3, Jul. 2017. [online issue]

Student Theses

Ayla Kurdak, Embracing Ambiguity: Implementing a Forgiving Parser for a Dual-Mode App Inventor System, Wellesley College undergraduate senior honors thesis, May 2023. [Wellesley thesis repository entry]
Ruanqianqian Huang, The Design and Implementation of Venbrace, a Text Language for App Inventor, Wellesley College undergraduate senior honors thesis, May 2020. [Wellesley thesis repository entry]
Maja Susanna Svanberg, Suggested Blocks: Using Neural Networks to Aid Novice Programmers in App Inventor, Wellesley College undergraduate senior honors thesis, May 2018. [Wellesley thesis repository entry]
Soojin Kim, Developing and Assessing New List Operators In App Inventor, Wellesley College undergraduate senior honors thesis, May 2015. [Wellesley thesis repository entry]
Xixi Shirley Lu, Folders: A Visual Organization System for MIT App Inventor, Wellesley College undergraduate senior honors thesis, May 2015. [Wellesley thesis repository entry]
Karishma Chadha, Improving the Usability of App Inventor through Conversion between Blocks and Text, Wellesley College undergraduate senior honors thesis, May 2014. [Wellesley thesis repository entry]
Johanna Okerlund, Improving App Inventor Debugging Support, Wellesley College undergraduate senior honors thesis, May 2014. [Wellesley thesis repository entry]
Marie Vasek, Representing Expressive Types in Blocks Programming Languages, Wellesley College undergraduate senior honors thesis, May 2012. [Wellesley thesis repository entry]


[GJRST15] Meimei Gao, Julie Johnson, Dale Reed, Cate Sheller, Franklyn Turbak (Moderator). Using App Inventor in Introductory CS Courses (Panel Summary). In 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2015). Kansas City, MO, Mar 6, 2015. [summary, slides]


Cece Tsui and Jacqueline Young, Improving Searching and Zooming in App Inventor. Poster presented at the Consortium for Computing Sciences In Colleges, Northeastern Region Conference (CCSCNE '16), Hamilton College, April 29, 2016. [pdf]
Cece Tsui and Jacqueline Young, Improving Searching and Zooming in App Inventor. Poster presented at the Wellesley College Science Center Summer Research Poster Session, Jul 30, 2015. [pdf]
Emery Gerndt Otopalik, Improving App Inventor's Debugging Features. Poster presented at the Wellesley College Science Center Summer Research Poster Session, Jul 30, 2015. [pdf]
Soojin Kim, Developing and Assessing New List Operators In App Inventor. Consortium for Computing Sciences In Colleges, Northeastern Region Conference (CCSCNE '15), College of the Holy Cross, April 17, 2015.
Xixi "Shirley" Lu, Folders: A Visual Organization System for MIT App Inventor. Consortium for Computing Sciences In Colleges, Northeastern Region Conference (CCSCNE '15), College of the Holy Cross, April 17, 2015.
Sara Burns, Towards a Concept Map of App Inventor for Introductory Computer Science. Poster presented at the Consortium for Computing Sciences In Colleges, Northeastern Region Conference (CCSCNE '15), College of the Holy Cross, April 17, 2015. [pdf]
Cali Stenson. Comparing App Inventor 2 and App Inventor Classic Based on User Data. Poster presented at the 2014 Grace Hopper Conference, Phoenix, AZ, October 8, 2014. [pdf]
Karishma Chadha and Franklyn Turbak, Improving App Inventor Usability via Conversion Between Blocks and Text. Poster presented at the International Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing, Pittsburgh, PA, Aug 28, 2014. [poster pdf, one page summary published in Journal of Visual Languages and Computing]
Franklyn Turbak, David Wolber, and Paul Medlock-Walton. The Design of Naming Features in App Inventor 2. Poster presented at the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VLHCC 2014), Melbourne, Australia, July 30, 2014. [pdf]
Shirley Xixi Lu. Extending Blockly, A Visual Programming Framework. Poster presented at the Ruhlman Conference, Wellesley College, April 30, 2014. [jpg]
Karishma Chadha. Improving The Usability of App Inventor through Conversion between Blocks and Text. Poster presented at the Consortium for Computing Sciences In Colleges, Northeastern Region Conference (CCSCNE '14), Providence College, April 25, 2014. [pdf]
Soojin Kim. Adding New List Operators to App Inventor. Poster presented at the Consortium for Computing Sciences In Colleges, Northeastern Region Conference (CCSCNE '14), Providence College, April 25, 2014. [pdf]
Johanna Okerlund. Improving App Inventor Debugging Support. Consortium for Computing Sciences In Colleges, Northeastern Region Conference (CCSCNE '14), Providence College, April 25, 2014. [pdf]
Bhargavi Ramanathan. Extending Quizly. Consortium for Computing Sciences In Colleges, Northeastern Region Conference (CCSCNE '14), Providence College, April 25, 2014. [pdf]
Johanna Okerlund and Franklyn Turbak. A Preliminary Analysis of App Inventor Blocks Programs. Poster/showpiece presented at the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VLHCC 2013), San Jose, CA, Sep. 17, 2013. [showpiece abstract pdf, poster pdf]
Johanna Okerlund. Understanding App Inventor Runtime Errors. Wellesley College Science Center Summer Research Poster Session, Aug 1, 2013. [pdf]
Emily Erdman. Photo Sharing in App Inventor. Poster presented at the Consortium for Computing Sciences In Colleges, Northeastern Region Conference (CCSCNE '13), Siena College, April 12, 2013. [pdf]
Karishma Chadha, Erin Davis, and Emily Erdman. TurtleBlocks: Blocks for Constructing Tangible Turtle Tracings. Poster presented at the Consortium for Computing Sciences In Colleges, Northeastern Region Conference (CCSCNE '12), Quinnipiac University, April 27, 2012. [pdf]
Smaranda Sandu and Olivia Kotsopoulous, PictureBlocks: A Language for Creating Tangible Artifacts. Poster presented at the Consortium for Computing Sciences In Colleges, Northeastern Region Conference (CCSCNE '12), Quinnipiac University, April 27, 2012. [pdf]

Last updated January 5, 2023