This page collects class material by topic.



Electronic options are available for all required sources. At least one physical copy of each text is also available in the physical SCI L037 CS Systems Lab for use within the CS department area. Please use them in the data lab area and return them to the shelf when you are done. If using these shared physical books, please wash your hands before and after. (WWW)

We use one primary textbook extensively:

Other textbooks are used during the first part of the course:

We recommend a good reference on the C programming language. Here are a couple solid options:

Additional materials will be posted directly on the course website.

Preparing for Class Meetings

Before each class meeting, please complete the preparation steps listed in the topic material. Preparation varies from day to day, but usually consists of some combination of watching videos, reading, or trying small exercises.

Completing the preparation is essential to get the most out of each class meeting. Class time itself will assume basic familiarity with the ideas covered in the assigned preparation. Full mastery is not expected. Questions based on the preparation are expected. We will often start with a brief summary of the prep highlights, with time to answer questions upfront or as we start to apply the ideas together, but we will not spend the class time “re-teaching” the complete preparation material from scratch.

How to watch videos for CS 240

Many topics will have videos attached. When asked to watch these videos for preparation, or if you use them for reference at any time:

  • You can view them on YouTube (nocookie version without tracking) or download/watch the MP4 files directly.
  • Take notes like you would in class.
  • You might find it helpful to download a copy of the slides to follow along or take notes.
  • It’s fine to pause and take breaks whenever you want!
  • You do not need to watch all the videos from one topic or even all the videos assigned for one day of preparation in one sitting. The videos are usually broken up into chunks usually between 5 and 15 minutes length, occasionally a little shorter or longer.
  • When the talking Ben head says to “try this,” please pause the video and actually try it, just like you would in class when we do an exercise together. (Don’t worry, the talking Ben head will wait for you in whatever bizarre pose he struck when you hit pause!)

How to read for CS 240

Effective reading for computer science courses demands a staged approach. Aim for two types of reading:

Before class, do an initial reading of the any reading material assigned as preparation for class.

Do not worry about understanding every last detail.

Do aim to acquire:

  • A big-picture view of the pieces we will consider about this topic.
  • Some familiarity with basic mechanics of the ideas introduced.

To help distinguish core points from secondary concerns during initial reading, each reading is listed with one of two style directives:

  • Read means read for enough detail to do indicated reading exercises. If you do get stuck or confused by some details, do not worry. Make a note and move on. If we do not clear up your confusion in class, ask a question or come to office hours.
  • Skim means read for high-level ideas. Perhaps pick out a couple details that look interesting and accessible. Do not spend much time trying to understand all the details before moving on.

Learning how to identify essential vs. inessential details during a first reading is an important skill that takes time to develop. As the semester progresses, we will leave more of this to you.

Readings assignments may indicate specific exercises to try as you read before class. These are typically practice problems from the reading.

  • Try means work through enough of the exercise to see how the basics work. Do not feel obligated to finish every example. Do what is useful to you. (Do not submit anything.)

We typically highlight exercises that practice mechanics. Feel free to try other practice problems as well. They may require more time and critical thinking. We will explore such interesting examples in class.

After class, revisit readings in more depth and try more practice problems to work out details as needed.

More advice for reading

Our main text (CSAPP) sometimes goes into more detail than we will cover, so learning to “read around” extra detail is a useful skill, especially in your pre-class reading.

When reading from CSAPP:

  • “Asides” are optional. If you read them, skim them.
  • “New to C?” blocks can be useful, but usually only if they are short.
  • Some sections (e.g., 2.2 - 2.4 on integer and floating point representations) can be too dense for our purposes. We try steer you around them, but if you find other things getting dense, flip to another reading or just make a note and jump ahead.
  • This book really shines with later material about machine/assembly language, caching, memory management, and other topics. We use it intermittently in the first section of the course, then extensively for the latter two.

Tia Newhall (Swarthmore College) has more good advice on reading computer science textbooks.

Material by Topic

This list of topics includes:

  • Topics covered in class meetings, with preparation directions listings of all lecture materials, associated readings, and activities.
  • Topics covered in lab that are normally covered in lecture in full-semester versions of CS 240. We include all readings and lecture materials for lectures in full-semester versions of CS 240. Labs do not necessarily use all of this material, but we include for reference.
  • +Optional items that offer opportunities to explore further, but are not required.

Data as Bits and Computation as Digital Logic

The Plan

Preparation Before Class

No preparation required for first day of class.


Slides: ➊ plan.pdf ➍ plan-4up.pdf


Digital Logic (lab-only topic)

Lab-only: This topic is covered only in lab. These materials are provided for optional reference in addition to the lab materials.


Slides: ➊ gates.pdf ➍ gates-4up.pdf


By our first full class day on this topic, you should be familiar with at least the basics of logic gates, notation for Boolean expressions, and a little Boolean algebra.

+Optional alternatives/extras:

Try these if you want alternatives to the DDCA reading above or if you want some practice or you just can’t wait until class.

Data as Bits

Preparation Before Class

For Monday:

  • No preparation required for first day of class.

For Tuesday:

  1. Readings #1-2 (below), for reading perspective and review.
  2. Videos #3-5 (below).

For Wednesday:

  1. Videos #8, 10, 12 (below).
  2. Follow up before or after class with Readings #3-4.


Slides: ➊ bits.pdf ➍ bits-4up.pdf

Videos: YouTube☰ yt playlist Data as Bits

  1. Positional Number Representation and Binary (LIVE Monday)
  2. Binary Number Conversion and Arithmetic (LIVE Monday)
  3. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Bytes and Hexadecimal
  4. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Fixed-size Data Types
  5. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Bitwise Operators
  6. Bit Sets (LIVE Tuesday)
  7. Bitwise Operator Practice (LIVE Tuesday)
  8. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Boolean Logical Operators
  9. Card Encoding Ideas (LIVE Tuesday)
  10. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Compact Encodings with Bit Fields and Masks
  11. Mask Practice (LIVE Wednesday)
  12. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Bit Shifting
  13. Shift and Mask (LIVE Wednesday)


  1. How to read
  2. Binary and hexadecimal number systems
  3. Information as bits + context
    • Read: CSAPP 2 - 2.1.2
    • Exercises: CSAPP practice problems 2.1 - 2.4. (Solutions at end of chapter.)
    • Skim: CSAPP 2.1.4 - 2.1.5.
  4. Bitwise Boolean algebra and bit manipulation
    • Read: CSAPP 2.1.6 - 2.1.9 (including the Asides.)
    • Exercises: CSAPP practice problems 2.8, 2.9, 2.14, 2.16
    • Optional: K&R 2.7, 2.9 for C reference

Integer Representation

Preparation Before Class

For Thursday:

  1. +Optional review: videos 1-3.
  2. Addition and overflow: videos 5-6.

For Reference after Thursday Class:

Helpful for the Bits assignment!

  1. Reading 1, video 4.
  2. Videos 7-10.
  3. Reading 2.


Slides: ➊ integers.pdf ➍ integers-4up.pdf


Videos: YouTube☰ yt playlist Integer Representation

  1. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Unsigned Representation, Modular Arithmetic, Overflow (LIVE Wednesday)
  2. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Sign-Magnitude Representation (LIVE Wednesday)
  3. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Two's Complement Representation (LIVE Wednesday)
  4. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Two's Complement Examples (LIVE Thursday)
  5. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Two's Complement Addition (LIVE Wednesday)
  6. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Two's Complement Overflow
  7. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Overflow and Reliability
  8. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Two's Complement is Awesome, Complement Rules (LIVE Thursday)
  9. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Deriving Two's Complement
  10. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Sign Extension (LIVE Thursday)
  11. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Shift Arithmetic (LIVE Thursday)
  12. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Shift and Add (LIVE Thursday)
  13. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Shift and Add Puzzle Review
  14. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Muliplication
  15. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Converting Between Unsigned and Signed Types


Refer to this material only after videos/class. We’d like to introduce signed integer representations before you read about them.

As you read, focus on the positional representation of signed integers more than the mechanics of how to convert from integer representation to the representation you know well.

  1. For the basics, read one of:

  2. Then, for reference on integer multiplication and division, their relation to bitwise operations, and sign extension:

    • Skim: CSAPP 2.2.4 - 2.2.8.
    • Read: CSAPP 2.3.4-2.3.8

Combinational Logic (lab-only topic)

Lab-only: This topic is covered only in lab. These materials are provided for optional reference in addition to the lab materials.


Slides: ➊ mux.pdf ➍ mux-4up.pdf


Karnaugh Maps

Multiplexers and decoders

+Floating Point Number Representation (optional topic)

+Optional: This topic is an optional opportunity for further depth or exploration.


Slides: ➊ floats.pdf ➍ floats-4up.pdf


  • Skim one of:
  • If you want more detail (e.g., on denormalization as discussed in class, or many in-depth examples), read CSAPP 2.4.

Processor Building Blocks and the Memory Model

Arithmetic Logic (lab-only topic)

Lab-only: This topic is covered only in lab. These materials are provided for optional reference in addition to the lab materials.


Slides: ➊ alu.pdf ➍ alu-4up.pdf



  • Read one of:
    • DDCA 5.1 - 5.2.1 (pages 233-234) up through Ripple Carry Adders (feel free to skim beyond if you are curious, ignore Verilog and VHDL)
    • SCO 3.2.3 (Arithmetic Circuits)
    • Digital Circuits: Adders up until Carry Lookahead Adder (feel free to skim beyond if you are curious)

Arithmetic Logic Unit

  • Read one of these to understand the high-level organization of an ALU. We will look at details of a specific ALU design in class.

Programming with Memory

Preparation Before Class

For Monday:

  1. Videos 1-6. Expect to have some questions, especially further in. This usually takes some repetition. (Note this is longer prep than usual; class time will aim to compensate.)

For Tuesday:

  1. As needed, review arrays and pointer arithmetic with videos 7-9 or readings.
  2. Complete as much of Part 1 of the Pointer Practice exercises from class as you can. Work with a partner if possible.
    • You may find videos 10-11 and 12 (which introduces the first few examples in that exercise) useful if you’re stuck near the beginning.
    • We will share solutions to review later.

For Wednesday:

  1. Videos 16-19 (most important), plus 20-21 (context, heads up about bugs). If you don’t get through all of these, no worries, you’ll be able to fill in the gaps during exercises in class. Happy hacking on bits!

As needed:

  1. Readings and other reference below for alternative perspectives on the same ideas.


Slides: ➊ memory.pdf ➍ memory-4up.pdf


Videos: YouTube☰ yt playlist Programming with Memory

  1. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Byte-Addressable Memory
  2. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Multi-Byte Values in Memory
  3. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Data, Addresses, Pointers
  4. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C Variables as Memory Locations
  5. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C Pointer Primitives
  6. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C Pointer Example
  7. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C Arrays (LIVE Monday)
  8. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C Arrays and Pointers (LIVE Monday)
  9. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C Pointer Arithmetic (LIVE Monday)
  10. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C Array Sizing
  11. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C Array Expression Examples
  12. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Pointer Practice Exercise Intro
  13. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C Strings (LIVE Tuesday)
  14. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C Strings as char* and Cursor Pointer Style (LIVE Tuesday)
  15. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C 0, '\0', and NULL
  16. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Memory Address Space Layout
  17. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C Memory Allocation with malloc/free
  18. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C Arrays of Pointers to Arrays
  19. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt zipCount Review
  20. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt C scanf and Memory Errors Teaser
  21. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Why C?


General memory model:

  • +Optionally, read: SCO 2.2.2 - 2.2.3, 5.1.2 (stop at “Note that having separate address spaces for instructions and data”)
  • Read: CSAPP 2.1.0, 2.1.3 - 2.1.4

Mix and match to start learning about addresses and pointers in C:

+Reasoning about Programs (optional topic)

+Optional: This topic is an optional opportunity for further depth or exploration.


Slides: ➊ assertions.pdf ➍ assertions-4up.pdf


In most semesters, we do not have time to cover this topic in lecture, but we ask you to skim these resources.

For later:

Sequential Logic (lab-only topic)

Lab-only: This topic is covered only in lab. These materials are provided for optional reference in addition to the lab materials.


Slides: ➊ registers.pdf ➍ registers-4up.pdf


The Instruction Set Architecture Model

x86 Basics

Preparation Before Class

For Thursday:

  • No preparation required!
  • Monday prep is a little longer, so feel free to get started on that now if you are that bored…

For Monday:

Mix and match videos or readings (whichever you prefer) to understand basics of x86, registers, data movement instructions, the lea (load effective address) intruction, and basic stack instructions.

  • Videos 1-6.
  • Readings 1-3.


Slides: ➊ x86-basics.pdf ➍ x86-basics-4up.pdf


Videos: YouTube☰ yt playlist x86 Basics

  1. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Intro and History
  2. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Registers, Data Movement Instructions, and Memory Addressing Modes
  3. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Memory Examples
  4. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Memory Addressing Review
  5. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Load Effective Address (lea)
  6. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Procedure Call Stack Basics
  7. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Arithmetic and Logic Instructions, arith Exercise Setup
  8. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt arith Exercise Review, logical Exercise Setup
  9. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt logical Exercise Review


  1. Background

  2. Data Movement

    • Read: CSAPP 3.3 - 3.4 (including “New to C?” to help remember those pointers…)
    • Suggested Exercises: try CSAPP practice problems 3.1, 3.2. Take a look at practice problem 3.5, but don’t spend too long on it. We’ll try more like this in class.
  3. Load Effective Address:

  4. Arithmetic

    • Read: CSAPP 3.5 - 3.5.4
    • Suggested Exercises: try CSAPP practice problems 3.8, 3.9. (Note x <<= 4; is the same as x = x << 4;.)
    • Skim: CSAPP 3.5.5

x86 Control Flow

Preparation Before Class

For Tuesday:

  • Videos 1-2.
  • Readings 1-2.

For Wednesday:

  • Videos 5-8
  • Readings 3-4


Slides: ➊ x86-control.pdf ➍ x86-control-4up.pdf


Videos: YouTube☰ yt playlist x86 Control Flow

  1. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Condition Codes, Comparisons, and Tests
  2. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Jumps, Translating If-Else, and absdiff Exercise Setup
  3. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt absdiff Exercise Review, goto, and If Compilation Exercise Setup
  4. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt If Compilation Exercise Review and PC-Relative Addressing
  5. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Translating Loops
  6. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Conditional Moves
  7. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Translating Switch Statements with Jump Tables
  8. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Translating Switch Statement Cases, Reverse Engineering Switches


  1. Comparisons, Tests, and Jumps

    • Read: CSAPP 3.6 - 3.6.4
    • Suggested Exercises: Try CSAPP practice problems 3.13 - 3.14. Just consider what operator you’d put in place of COMP or TEST to match the assembly code. (Don’t worry about #define etc. if you don’t remember how macros work.)
  2. Translating if conditionals

    • Read: CSAPP 3.6.5
    • Suggested Exercises: CSAPP practice problem 3.16
  3. Translating loops

    • Read: CSAPP 3.6.7
    • Suggested Exercises: CSAPP practice problems 3.23, 3.24
  4. Translating switch statements

    • Skim: CSAPP 3.6.8, 3.6.6

The Procedure Call Stack Model and Data Layout

x86 Procedures, Call Stack

Preparation Before Class

For Thursday:

No prep required before class. We will hit the highlights of these things; the videos/readings cover additional details that may be helpful.

  • Videos 1, 2.
  • Reading 1

For Monday:

  • Videos 3-4 for review. Videos 5-6 to get a taste before Monday. (Also useful for lab and definitely useful for later phases in the x86 assignment.)
  • Reading 2


Slides: ➊ x86-procedures.pdf ➍ x86-procedures-4up.pdf

Videos: YouTube☰ yt playlist x86 Procedures, Call Stack

  1. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt The Call Stack Stores Procedure Context
  2. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Procedure Control Flow Instructions (call/ret), Data Flow Conventions, Puzzle Setup
  3. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Procedure Puzzle Review
  4. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Procedure and Stack Frame Example
  5. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Register Saving Conventions, Callee-Save Example
  6. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Recursion Example
  7. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Stack Storage Example, Procedure Summary


  1. Read: CSAPP 3.7 - 3.7.4
  2. Read: CSAPP 3.7.5 - 3.7.6

Representing Data Structures

Preparation Before Class

For Tuesday:

Mix and match videos and readings to review arrays at the x86 level and learn the basics of C structs.

  • Video 1 (review arrays at the x86 level)
  • Videos 5-6 (basics of C structs)
  • Readings 1, 2, 4.


Slides: ➊ data-structures.pdf ➍ data-structures-4up.pdf


Videos: YouTube☰ yt playlist Representing Data Structures

  1. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Simple Arrays
  2. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Multi-Level Arrays (Arrays of Pointers to Arrays of...)
    • In the copyleft example, all occurrences of 4 in the x86 code should be replaced by 8.
  3. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Row-Major Multidimensional Arrays
  4. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Row-Major Array Review
  5. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Structs
  6. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Struct Alignment
  7. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Linked List Representation


  1. Read: CSAPP 3.8.1 - 3.8.2 (review simple arrays)
  2. Read: CSAPP 3.8.3 - 3.8.4 (nested arrays)
  3. Read: CSAPP 3.9 (heterogeneous data structures)
  4. Read: CSAPP 3.10.1 (pointer review)

Buffer Overflows

Preparation Before Class

No preparation required.


Slides: ➊ buffer.pdf ➍ buffer-4up.pdf


Videos: YouTube☰ yt playlist Buffer Overflows

  1. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Overview
  2. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Stack Layout and No Bounds Checking in C
  3. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Example Overview
  4. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Example 1 - Overwrite Padding (Lucky)
  5. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Example 2 - Corruption and Segfault
  6. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Example 3 - Silent Corruption and Arbitrary Code Execution
  7. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Remote Code Execution and Avoiding Vulnerabilities


  • Read: CSAPP 3.10.3-3.10.4

The Memory Hierarchy, Cache, and Memory Allocation

Memory Hierarchy, Cache

Preparation Before Class

For Thursday:

No preparation.

For Monday:

Mix and match videos or readings as you prefer, to learn about the memory hierarchy, locality, cache mechanics and organization, and direct-mapped caches:

  • Videos 1-2 (review of Thursday’s in-class overview).
  • Videos 3-4, 6-10.
  • Reading 1.

If you missed discussion of 2D nested arrays earlier, you may want to review Video 3 or Reading 2 from the data structures topic.

For Tuesday:

  • Try the Cache Practice Exercises up through “Cache Address Field Exercise.”
  • No other prep.


Slides: ➊ cache.pdf ➍ cache-4up.pdf


Videos: YouTube☰ yt playlist Memory Hierarchy, Cache

  1. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Motivating Example
  2. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Cache Overview
  3. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Cache Mechanics
  4. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Locality
  5. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt More Locality Examples
  6. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Cache Performance and the Hierarchical Memory Design
  7. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Cache Organization
  8. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Cache Blocks
  9. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Direct-Mapped Cache Placement Policy and Cache Tags
  10. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Address Fields
  11. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Why Not Another Direct Mapping (Aside)
  12. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Cache Puzzle 1
  13. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Cache Conflicts and Associative Cache Placement Policies
  14. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Cache Puzzle 2
  15. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt General Cache Dimensions and Organization
  16. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt General Cache Read Mechanics
  17. Cache Analysis Example 1: Spatial Locality in Direct-Mapped Caches
  18. Cache Analysis Example 2: Cache Conflicts in Direct-Mapped Caches
  19. Cache Analysis Example 3: Cache Conflicts Resolved by Associativity
  20. Types of Cache Misses
  21. Cache Write Policies
  22. Cache-Friendly Code and Summary


  1. Memory Hierarchy, Locality, General Cache Mechanics, Direct-Mapped Caches
  2. Associative Caches, Cache Policies, and Performance
  3. Cache-Friendly Code

Memory Allocation

Preparation Before Class

For Wednesday:

  • Video 1
  • Reading 1.

For Thursday (including Lab):

  • Videos 2-6 (review implicit free lists)
  • Video 11 (block format for the Malloc assignment)

For the Malloc assignment:

  • Videos 7-10


Slides: ➊ malloc.pdf ➍ malloc-4up.pdf

Videos: YouTube☰ yt playlist Memory Allocation

  1. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Allocator Basics
  2. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Determining Block Size
  3. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Block Format and Heap Layout
  4. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Implicit Free List Search
  5. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Implicit Free List Allocation and Splitting
  6. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Implicit Free List Freeing and Coalescing
  7. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Explicit Free Lists
  8. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Explicit Free List Search, Allocation, and Splitting
  9. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Explicit Free List Freeing and Coalescing
  10. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Seglists and Allocation Summary
  11. ▸ mp4 YouTube yt Malloc Assignment - Block Format


  1. Read: CSAPP 9.9 - 9.9.5 (basics)
  2. Read: CSAPP 9.9 - 9.9.12 (implicit free lists)
  3. Read: CSAPP 9.9.13 - 9.9.14 (explicit free lists and beyond)
  4. Skim: CSAPP 9.10 - 9.11 (garbage collection, C memory errors)

The Process Model and Virtual Memory

Beyond 240