
There are no required textbooks for CS203. CS203 draws from a variety of different sources, meaning that no one book perfectly matches all the topics discussed in this course. If you are considering purchasing any materials, then I would suggest the following two books:

The former book is written by some of the creators and editors of the SuperCollider platform and offers good insights into the mechanics of SuperCollider. The latter delves into many of the topics on digital signal processing and sound synthesis. Both books contain numerous readings for various topics throughout the semester. The instructor will provide those readings when necessary but students may wish to purchase their own copy to explore other topics discussed.

We will also draw from a variety of other sources as well that are free and available online.

Readings for specific topics below can be found in this Google Drive. Note that you must have a Wellesley account and be logged in to access this material.


The topics below correspond to the topics found on the calendar.

CS203 Introduction

Sclang Basics

Introduction to Sound and Soundwaves

Basic Waveforms


Playing Audio Files in SuperCollider

Sound Envelopes

Patterns, Streams, and Events

The Digital World

Amplitude Multiplication

Frequency/Phase Modulation





Creating A Musical Work

MIDI Protocol

GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces)

OSC Networking

Frequency Domain Theory

Fast Fourier Transform

Practical Uses of FFT in SuperCollider

Wrapping It All Up